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My Story

Thank you for your interest in learning more about my story and my photography services!  Take a look around and let me know if you have any questions!

We love this little girl and her family!  Lucy and many other children like her are incredibly brave and are young warriors in their battles.  They draw strength from those that support them and "though she be but little she is fierce" in her battle.  


Fav Pix Photography is teaming up with Childhood Cancer organization, Bridges of Gold the Founder/mom of  Lucy...aka #Lucystrong #FavpixforLucy #fightchildhoodcancer Learn more about her story and the services they provide.

Thank you for reading my story and visiting my site.  I invite you to team up with Fav Pix Photography. With every booking, you will have the opportunity to give back to help fight children's cancer.   So be sure to follow my Instagram & Facebook and together let's make a difference!  Not only will Fav Pix Photography be capturing your "precious" moments but you will be giving back at the same time

A story of strength and community:

© Fav Pix Photography - Capturing the heart

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